Department of Justice/Structure

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Office of the Deputy Secretary

Position Name since
Deputy Attorney General N.N. n/a

Office of the Attorney General

Position Name since
Chief of Staff N.N. n/a
Executive Assistant N.N. n/a
General Counsel N.N. n/a
Inspector General N.N. n/a
Director of Public Affairs N.N. n/a
Director of Government Relations N.N. n/a
Director of Policy and Legislation N.N. n/a

General Management Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Justice for General Management N.N. n/a
Associate Secretary of Justice for Accounting, Budget and Procurement N.N. n/a
Associate Secretary of Justice for Human Resources N.N. n/a
Associate Secretary of Justice for Infrastructure N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Legal Personnel Recruitment and Management N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Justice Research N.N. n/a

Legal Division

Position Name since
Assistant Attorney General for Legal Affairs N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Civil Rights and Constitution Jean Piccone n/a
Associate Attorney General for Criminal and National Security N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Civil, Markets and Antitrust N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Taxes, Money and Federal Funds N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Legal and Administrative Cooperation N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Citizenship, Passports and Immigration N.N. n/a

Office of the U.S. Solicitor General

Das Office of the U.S. Solicitor General (OSG), bestehend aus dem U.S. Solicitor General und den U.S. Attorneys ist zuständig für die juristische Vertretung des Präsidenten und der ihm nachgeordneten Behörden des Bundes sowie die Anklagevertretung in Bundesstrafverfahren.

Position Name since
United States Solicitor General N.N. n/a
Deputy Solicitor General U.S. Attorney Elisabeth Huang (Acting) n/a
Principal U.S. Attorney U.S. Attorney Elisabeth Huang n/a
Deputy Principal U.S. Attorney U.S. Attorney Lawrence Forester n/a

U.S. Registration Office

Das U.S. Registration Office führt das Staatsbürgerschaftsregister der Vereinigten Staaten.

Division Position Name since
Office of the Director Director N.N. n/a
Office of the Deputy Director Deputy Director Carolyn Palamas (Acting) n/a
Naturalization Assistant Director for Naturalization Carolyn Palamas n/a
Immigration Assistant Director for Immigration Bartholomew H. Ramforth n/a
ID Services and U.S.E.R.S. Assistant Director for ID Services Gary Mitchell n/a

Homeland Security Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Justice for Homeland Security N.N. n/a
Associate Secretary of Justice for Programms and Operations N.N. n/a
Associate Secretary of Justice for Protection, Threat and Risk Control and Regulation N.N. n/a
Associate Secretary of Justice for Response and Support N.N. n/a
Associate Secretary of Justice for Counterterrorism and Counterespionage N.N. n/a
Associate Secretary of Justice for Technology and Research N.N. n/a

U.S. Secret Service

Der U.S. Secret Service verantwortet den Personenschutz für den Präsidenten, den Vizepräsidenten, die Kabinettsmitglieder und andere Amtsträger der Exekutive sowie den Schutz der Bundeseinrichtungen, für die nicht (wie den Kongress, die Bundesgerichte und das Militär) eigene Polizeibehörden bestehen.

Position Name since
Director Deputy Director Richard Parr (Acting)  ??

Law Enforcement Division

Position Name since
Assistant Attorney General for Law Enforcement N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Law Enforcement Officers Management and Training N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Criminal Investigations N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Border Protection N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Criminal Enforcement N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Victims and Community Support N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for Prevention and Resocialisation N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for International Affairs N.N. n/a
Associate Attorney General for the National Crime Information Center N.N. n/a

Federal Bureau of Investigations

Das Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) ist die zentrale Bundespolizeibehörde, die unter anderem die Verantwortung für die allgemeine Strafverfolgung und die Kontrolle der Bundesautobahnen trägt.

Position Name since
Director Hilda Caviness September 8th, 2017
Deputy Director Assistant Director Alphonse Alderman-Grayson (Acting) n/a

United States Marshals Service

Der United States Marshals Service (USMS) vollstreckt die Entscheidungen der Bundesgerichte und verwaltet den Zeugenschutz sowie den Gefangenentransport.

Position Name since
Director N.N. n/a

United States Customs and Border Protection

Die United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ist die Grenzschutz- und Zollbehörde der Vereinigten Staaten. Die Zollaufgaben werden in Abstimmung mit dem Department of Commerce wahrgenommen.

Position Name since
Director N.N. n/a

United States Coastal Guard

Die Küstenwache der Vereinigten Staaten (United States Coastal Guard - USCG) ist für den Schutz der Seegrenzen, die Strafverfolgung auf Hoher See, Navigationsunterstützung und ozeanografische Untersuchungen verantwortlich. In Kriegszeiten kann sie in die Streitkräfte eingegliedert werden.

Position Name since
Commander N.N. n/a

Federal Bureau of Prisons

Das Federal Prison System wird durch das Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBP) verwaltet und besteht aus verschiedenen Typen von Strafvollzugseinrichtungen. Erst seit Mitte 2013 ist den Bundesstaaten das Recht übertragen, ihr eigenes Strafrechtssystem zu unterhalten, was zurückhaltend genutzt wird. Aus diesem Grunde kommt dem Strafvollzug des Bundes eine große Bedeutung zu.

Position Name since
Director N.N. n/a