Department of the Commerce/Structure

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Secretary of Commerce

Position Name since
Secretary of Commerce Herbert C. Walker February 10, 2019

Office of the Deputy Secretary

Position Name since
Deputy Secretary of Commerce vacant September 30, 2018

Office of the Secretary

Position Name since
Chief of Staff Rebecca N. Thompson March 4, 2019
Executive Assistant Abigail C. Nestor April 10, 2019
General Counsel vacant February 7, 2018
Inspector General Theodor McGrain April 5, 2019
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Policy Gregorio de Masi April 4, 2019
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Government Relations Grisham McVincent April 9, 2019

Management Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Management Edgar B. Julius April 4, 2019
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Budget and Procurement Harold N. O'Brian March 15, 2019
Associate Secretary of State for Personnel Andrea Thomasi April 2, 2019
Associate Secretary of State for Infrastructure James Graham April 9, 2019

Treasury Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for the Treasury Edgar X. Willi April 1, 2019
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Federal Property Management Bill Morris April 4, 2019
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Taxes and Internal Revenue Louis Devine ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Budget and Federal Funds William B. Thrend April 2, 2019
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Federal Contracts and Subsidies Carla Quiñones Marrero ??

Markets Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Markets Donald A. Webb ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Economic Analysis and Statistics Laurence Jacobs ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Standards, Product Safety and Consumer Protection N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Financial Regulation and Competition N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development N.N. ??

Office of Labor Statistics

Das Office of Labor Statistics (OLS) ist verantwortlich für die Erhebung der Wirtschaftsdaten.

Position Name since
Director Melissa Summers  ??

Agriculture and Food Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Agriculture and Food Dave Williams ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Food Safety and Nutrition Support N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Animals and Veterinary N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Agriculture Support N.N. ??

Communications Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications Kyle Pitts ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Communications Infrastructure N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Telecommunications N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Postal Services and Media N.N. ??

Energy and Transportation Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Energy and Transportation Amanda Hedlund ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Transportation Infrastructure and Regulation N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Community Planning and Developement N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Energy Regulation and Innovation N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Natural Ressources and Fossile Energy Margery Keller ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Nuclear Energy and Security N.N. ??

Federal Aviation Administration

Die Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reguliert die Luftfahrt und ihre Infrastruktur in den Vereinigten Staaten.

Position Name since
Director Assistant Director Palmer P. Pemberton (Acting)  ??

Federal Maritime Commission

Die Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) reguliert die Schifffahrt und ihre Infrastruktur in den Vereinigten Staaten.

Position Name since
Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Velma Vasques (Acting) June 03rd, 2017
Assistant Commissioner Velma Vasques  ??

Federal Railroad Adminstration

Die Federal Railroad Adminstration (FRA) reguliert den Schienenverkehr und die Schieneninfrastruktur in den Vereinigten Staaten.

Position Name since
Director Assistant Director John Ham (Acting)  ??

Federal Highway Adminstration

Die Federal Highway Adminstration (FHA) reguliert den Straßenverkehr auf den und die Infrastruktur der Bundesstraßen den Vereinigten Staaten.

Position Name since
Director Assistant Director Edgar Carmichael (Acting)  ??

Business Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Business N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Small Business N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Investments N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Innovation and Intellectual Property N.N. ??

U.S. Patents and Trademarks Office

Das U.S. Patents and Trademarks Office verwaltet die Patent- und Markenregister des Bundes.

Position Name since
Director Assistant Director Royland Ellisworth (Acting)  ??

Enviroment Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for the Enviroment Malcolm Futhey ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Enviromental Protection and Restauration N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Enviromental Regulation N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Enviromental Research and Weather N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Air and Atmosphere N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Waters and Oceans N.N. ??

Social Support Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Social Support N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Social Actions N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Education Actions N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Labor Actions N.N. ??

International Trade Division

Position Name since
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Trade vacant August 27, 2017
Associate Secretary of Commerce for International Investments N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Customs and Trade Regulations N.N. ??
Associate Secretary of Commerce for Economic Assistance N.N. ??

Astorian Development Bank

Die Astorian Development Bank (ADB) fördert konkrete Projekte und Infrastrukturmaßnahmen in Entwicklungsländern durch die Vergabe von Krediten an die Länder selbst.

Position Name since
Director Assistant Director Lou Freeby (Acting)  ??