68th Congress

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Der 68. Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten ist die Periode des House of Representatives von 1. Februar bis 31. März 2021. Die Mitglieder des Repräsentantenhauses und die Senatoren der Klasse I (Assentia, Astoria) wurden in General Elections von 23. bis 25. Januar 2021 gewählt. Die Nummerierung des Kongresses richtet sich nach der Nummerierung des Repräsentantenhauses, da diese Kammer des Kongresses bei den Wahlen komplett neu besetzt wird. Der Senat hat den Charakter einer ständig tagenden Kammer und er ist letztlich immer dieselbe.


House of Representatives[Bearbeiten]

Name Party State since Comment Term (consecutive) Feb
     George Rexton Social Conservative New Alcantara February 1, 2021 1st Term 175 175
     Eugene Duangan Democrat Serena April 1, 2017 Dean 24th Term 110 110
     Ben Kingston Independent Laurentiana October 1, 2020 Speaker 3rd Term 70 70
     Jake Ulysses Smith Democrat Laurentiana December 1, 2020 Resigned to become Governor of Laurentiana. 2nd Term 78
     Overall Majority: 217 2/3-Majority: 289 68th Congress 433 353

House 68.svg

Voting Record[Bearbeiten]

Y Yea
N Nay
p present
/ not voting
/* vote invalid

POTUS = Sarah Jones, President of the United States

Code Title Initiator House Senate Outcome President
O. 2021-004 Election of the Speaker (Kingston) Y Y Y Y ELECTED
H.R. 2021-005 Police Forces Act Improvement Bill Rep. Kingston (I-LA) N Y Y p Y Y N N p REJECTED
H.R. 2021-006 Seventh District Court Bill Rep. Kingston (I-LA) N /* Y p Y Y N N Y REJECTED
O. 2021-007 Election of the President / Y Y Y Y ELECTED
S.N. 2021-008 Typhon Knight to be Federal Judge POTUS Y Y p Y Y CONFIRMED APPOINTED
S.N. 2021-009 Pippa Luxemburg to be District Manager POTUS NO VOTE
H.J.Res. 2021-010 Federal District Residency Prohibition Resolution Rep. Kingston (I-LA) p N / N N N N N N REJECTED
H.J.Res. 2021-011 Termination of the Basic Treaty between the Democratic Union and the U.S. Rep. Rexton (S-NA) Y p N Y Y Y Y Y Y PASSED
H.J.Res. 2021-012 Termination of the Treaty of Mutual Aid beweeen Notschistan and the U.S. Rep. Rexton (S-NA) Y p N p Y Y Y N Y PASSED
H.J.Res. 2021-013 Termination of the Treaty between the Median Empire and the U.S. Rep. Rexton (S-NA) Y p N p Y Y Y Y Y PASSED
H.J.Res. 2021-015 Popular Membership in the House of Representatives Resolution Rep. Rexton (S-NA) Y N N / N N N N REJECTED
H.R. 2021-016 Termination of the Basic Treaty between the Democratic Union and the U.S. Rep. Rexton (S-NA) Y p p / / Y Y Y PASSED SIGNED INTO LAW
S. 2021-017 Protecting the Ratelonian Democracy Act Sen. Parker (R-NA) PASSED VETOED
S. 2021-017 Protecting the Ratelonian Democracy Act (Veto override) Sen. Parker Y / Y / Y Y Y Y RE-PASSED BECAME LAW
H.J.Res. 2021-018 Awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to David J. Clark Rep. Kingston (I-LA) NO VOTE

24th | ... | 55th | 56th | 57th | 58th | 59th | 60th | 61st | 62nd | 63rd | 64th | 65th | 66th | 67th | 68th | 69th | 70th | 71st | 72nd | 73rd | 74th | 75th | 76th | 77th | 78th | 79th | 80th | 81st | 82nd | 83rd